15 de novembro de 2009

DJ AM MEMORIAL FUND-800 PAIRS-let the "bits"start

As announced on Twitter by Eddie Cruz, Undefeated and Creative Visions Foundation have joined forces with theDJ AM Memorial Fund to raise money to help those struggling with addiction. Known for being just as addicted to sneakers as he was to the other stuff, his prized collection will be up for grabs on eBay over the course of about a month, starting this Sunday, November 15th. Over 800 pairs of limited edition shoes will be available, with 100% of proceeds going to a very worthy cause. A very thoughtful initiative that you should really check out.

3 comentários:

GJ disse...

estou fora, para o bem da minha sanidade!

Touch Contagious disse...

Pena serem todos gigantes...

mosaik disse...

Só espero k o AM não calce o meu número...fasssssssssssss